
An fun and easy going couple of hours with young and old competing on equal footing as they score on accuracy in shooting at targets from water balloons, standard targets, bottles and moving targets. This is a low impact no contact activity. We offer variations of the game designed to suit a variety of ages, genders and adrenaline requirements.

How many people are required?

A minimum of 4 people are required for an paintball adventure.

How long does paintball take?

30 minutes to 1 hour.

Do I need to bring any gear with me?

All the required gear is supplied by us. This includes overalls, masks, weapons, gas cylinders and 200 balls. Demonstration of safe handling and shooting is done by qualified range officers.

What time slots are available for paintballing?

Start at 08:00 until 16:00 (earlier or later times can be requested in summer)